Beach Trip with Young Kids

Growing up in Houston, I was lucky enough to live within an hour or so from the beach, and beach vacations were a constant through my whole life. My childhood summers are consistently punctuated by memories of walks along the shore, collecting sand dollar fragments, building muddy, crumbling sand castles, boogie boarding in the occasional rough surf. As I got older, these activities evolved through some Spring Break-esque misadventures and eventually beach vacations became all about relaxation: lounging in the sun, book in hand, toes in the sand.  The beach became my favorite type of vacation destination. I loved everything… Continue reading

Long Haul Flights with Young Kids

We’ve done many long haul flights over the years, including several since we started traveling with kids. Flying with a baby in general is a whole new ballgame. When you combine that with a long overseas flight, you are definitely going to want to be prepared. Each time we have flown with the kids, we have learned new things about the experience, and hopefully some of our flight tips will help brace yourself for the adventure to come. All those other flights – the ones before kids, the shorter domestic flights with and/or without kids… those were your hours in… Continue reading

Global Entry for the Family

Travel days are always filled with excitement and anxiety. We are anticipating our destination and looking forward to enjoying the trip. For the actual transit, the kids still get pumped up about airplane rides and the endless screen time we allow on these days. Anxiety normally comes into play when we are wrangling our luggage, trying to get through security, and then collecting ourselves at our destination city (made even more stressful if that involves customs and passports). One way to reduce a large part of the travel day stress is to obtain TSA Precheck or Global Entry (GE). Both… Continue reading